Monday, December 14, 2020





Teks asal

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Teks bersih


[ Keluarga ]


Saya berasa puas hati

Menolong ibu bapa setiap hari

Bermula di pagi hari

Sehingga malam nanti


Ibu bapa yang disayangi

Saya tetap berhati-hati

Menjaga budi pekerti

Keluarga saya yang dicintai


Saya sayang ibu dan bapa

Abang, kakak, adik dan saudara

Mereka semua ada bersama

Semasa saya memerlukan mereka.

[ Family ]


I feel satisfied

Helping parents every day

Starting in the morning

Until tonight


Dear parents

I remain careful

Maintain good manners

My beloved family


I love mom and dad

Brother, sister, brother and sister

They are all there together

When I need them.



I feel satisfied

Helping parents every day

Starting in the morning

Until tonight


Dear parents

I remain careful

Maintain good manners

My beloved family


I love mom and dad

Brother, sister, brother and sister

They are all there together

When I need them




I feel satisfied

Helping parents every day

Morning has been started

Till the end of the day


Dear parents

I remain carefully

Maintain good manners

My beloved family


I love my parents

Brother, sister, little brother and cousins

They are all here together

When I need them to gather



[ Diri ]


Saya belajar setiap masa

Sifat sabar diambil kira

Dugaan besar selalu ada

Dikongsi bersama keluarga


Saya seorang yang baik hati

Jujur dan ikhlas di dalam diri

Saya belajar berdikari

Menolong orang setiap hari


Baik hati nurani

Kuatkan jati diri

Mulia peribadi

Perasaan tenang tidak terperi


Kawan-kawan semua

Inilah saya yang istimewa

Saya sentiasa berusaha

Menjadi insan yang berguna

[ Yourself ]


I study all the time

Patience is taken into account

Big allegations are always there

Shared with family


I am a kind person

Honest and sincere in yourself

I learned to be independent

Helping people every day


Good conscience

Strengthen your identity

Your Majesty

The feeling of calm is unbearable


Friends all

This is me special

I always try

Be a useful human being




I study all the time

Patience is taken into account

Big allegations are always there

Shared with family


I am a kind person

Honest and sincere in yourself

I learned to be independent

Helping people every day


Good conscience

Strengthen your identity

Your Majesty

The feeling of calm is unbearable


Friends all

This is me special

I always try

Be a useful human being



I study all the time

Patience is taken into account

Big allegations are always there

Shared with family


I am a kind person

Honest and sincere in yourself

I learned to be independent

Helping people every day


Good conscience

Strengthen your identity

Your Majesty

The feeling of calm is unbearable


Friends all

This is me special

I always try

Be a useful human being





























[ Saya yang Istimewa ]


Saya yang istimewa

Dilihat orang setiap masa

Kasih sayang dikongsi bersama

Abang kakak dan adik serta ibu bapa



Saya yang istimewa

Bersikap baik sesame manusia

Saya dilihat berlainan rupa

Semangat positif dikongsi bersama


Saya dengan dunia

Belajar berdikari setiap masa

Hormati orang lebih dewasa

Satu perkara disanjungi bersama

[ I am special ]


I am special

Seen by everyone at all times

Love is shared

Brother and sister as well as parents


I am special

Be kind to fellow human beings

I look different

Positive spirit is shared


I am with the world

Learn to be independent all the time

Respect older people

One thing to praise together



I am special

Seen by everyone at all times

Love is shared

Brother and sister as well as parents


I am special

Be kind to fellow human beings

I look different

Positive spirit is shared


I am with the world

Learn to be independent all the time

Respect older people

One thing to praise together






I am special

Seen by everyone all the times

Love is shared

Brother and sister as well as parents


I am special

Be kind to fellow human beings

I look different

Positive spirit is shared


I am with the world

Learn to be independent all the time

Respect older people

One thing to praise together



[ Saya Tahu ]


Saya cuba memahami

Diri saya sendiri

Mengapa jadi begini

Ayah dan ibu susah hati


Hati saya siapa yang tahu

Saya sendiri jadi keliru

Ingin menangis seperti selalu

Air mata keluar menderu


Saya tahu

Semua tahu

Soalan bertalu-talu

Senyum membisu


















[ I know ]


I try to understand


Why is it like this

Dad and mom are upset


My heart who knows

I myself am so confused

Want to cry as always

Tears came out roaring


I know

Everyone knows

Frequently asked questions

A silent smile






I try to be understanding


Why is it like this happening

Dad and mom are sadly


My heart who notice

I myself am so confused

Want to cry in any case

Tears came out tremendous


I noticed

Everyone knows

Frequently question been asked

A silent pleased



I try to be understanding


Why is it like this happening

Dad and mom are sadly


My heart who notice

I myself am so confused

Want to cry in any case

Tears came out tremendous


I noticed

Everyone knows

Frequently question been asked

A silent pleased


[ Saya Faham ]


Saya kata “Apa khabar”

Dia jawab “Khabar baik”

Ucapan untuk dia

Ucapan untuk saya


Selamat pagi, tengah hari, petang, malam

Untuk dia

Untuk saya


Terima kasih


Untuk kita

Untuk mereka



I said "How are you"

He replied "Good news"

Greetings to him

Greetings to me


Good morning, noon, evening, night

For him

For me


Thank you

Are equally

For us

For them



"How are you" I asked "Good news" he replied

To him I addressed

To me I nodded


Good morning, noontide, evening, midnight,

For him

For mine


Thank you

To be equalled

For me and all of you

For other people



"How are you" I asked

"Good news" he replied

 to him I addressed

to me I nodded


Good morning, noontide, evening, midnight,

For him

For mine


Thank you

To be equalled

For me and all of you

For other people



Bukti Kehadiran: 

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